Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 5 Thing 11

Explore Web 2.0 award winning applications and Ning along with playing Travel IQ:

I really enjoyed playing with the sites. I played around so much with one site that I was up way past my bedtime. I love digital photography so I played around with, the one tool that I loved the most about this program is that it allowed you to focus in on a particular focal point of your photo and it would be color. The rest of the photo will become black and white. A library might use this product by uploading a picture of a certain book amongst others and use the one book as the focal subject for say a book of the month club. Just a thought. I still prefer

The next product I messed with was geni, this product is used for people interested in genealogy. This is the one that I found all my time flying by, I just couldn't stop doing it. I was thinking it might be a neat idea to have a student make a family tree of a book's characters or do one of their own for history or another class. I am still using this tool.

As far as Ning goes I signed up and played a little I really couldn't believe that there are that many groups out there. People talk about everything and anything.

Travel IQ was a lot of fun. There is another site that others might want to try sometime. It builds up your vocabulary and feeds the hungry at the same time. Some of you should check this site out it will explain the feed the hungry part to you. The site is


  1. "I was thinking it might be a neat idea to have a student make a family tree of a book's characters or do one of their own for history or another class."

    I love the idea of using this to create a book's "Family Tree" what a great way to meaningfully integrate technology for kids.....that is my mantra right now. Do you mind if I use this idea for training? I'll give you full credit...


  2. Sure Ann go ahead and use this idea and run with it. I would like to see how one of the trees turns out.
