Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week 7 Thing 16

Learn about wikis and discover some innovative ways that libraries are using them:

I was thinking about trying to set up a wiki for my family. It might b e a good thing to add to the family tree, everyone and anyone can join in. Libraries can use wikis to set up book reviews and collaborate with other librarians and school staff members about things needed and things that can be done throughout the school year. I also think this would be a great way for any teacher to set up something as a way to get other teachers opinions about certain text books that they want to use in the years to come. A lot can be done with wikis. This would be a great way for teachers and parents to communicate. Teachers could also always post homework assignments and future things that will be happening in their classroom. Here is the wiki that our school librarian Miss. Harris set up, I think she did a great job, check it out!

1 comment:

  1. AP English Literature teacher at my school created a wiki for her class. They were required to post a comment daily on it. They discussed all kinds of topics and shared books and really had a good time with it. Last year was her first year with this project and she said it was wildly successful and she would definitely be repeating it this year.
